7 tips to wake up early every morning, Must read

If you dread waking up early then here are seven tips to wake up early every morning that too effortlessly.
waking up

Waking up early in the morning means having some quiet time for yourself. You get enough time to eat a healthy breakfast, as well as get some good exercise. If you want to achieve something in life or have a great career ahead of you, waking up early every morning is the ultimate solution. Waking up early every morning means you can be productive throughout the day. It is better for your mental health as being stress-free is good for your mind to work. Your body functions better along with improved metabolism. A better mood from the morning itself gives you great satisfaction in life. Here are seven tips to help you wake up early every morning without fail.

1. Set Alarm

In the beginning, setting up an early alarm helps you wake up early until it becomes a routine. It helps you get regular sleep. Also, keep your alarm clock out of reach so that you do not accidentally hit the snooze button, which is not what you want.

2. Early bedtime routine

Early to bed has always meant early to rise. It keeps you healthy as you get 7-8 hours of sleep. Your sleep quality improves with this habit. You can eat your dinner as early as possible to get better sleep at night. Also, as Benjamin Franklin said, to make yourself healthy and wealthy, you must sleep early and wake up early.

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3. Exercise

Exercising has many benefits for having a fit body. Your body gets tired and, you can sleep early to wake up early. You are no longer sluggish and stay active throughout the day. 

4. Stick to a schedule

Following a sleep schedule helps to wake up early. You sleep and wake at the same time every day. Your body adapts to this schedule automatically. Many studies have shown that a routine combined with a sleeping habit can improve our everyday lives.

5. Avoid phones or laptops at night

Phones and Laptops screens have a blue light that strains your eyes and causes headaches. It can affect your sleep and, you end up waking all night or sleeping very late. Avoiding phone usage at night can help you sleep comfortably and, hence helps in waking up early. 

6. Let morning light come in

Put your curtains open or keep it that way before going to sleep. The morning light will help you to wake up early. It keeps your mind healthy and connected every day as soon as the sun rises. 

7. Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin is a hormone that helps you to get to sleep quickly. If you take melatonin supplements before sleeping, it will help you sleep faster. The hormone manages our sleep-wake cycle in the body. If it is affected due to some medical reasons, then consulting a therapist to take Melatonin supplements can help. They prescribe it to people who can not fall asleep at night.

Written By: TotalFiction 

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