9 Superfoods for weight loss you must include your diet

We go to any strengths to lose weight, why not begin with including these super healthy foods in your weight loss diet. 
weight loss foods

Weight loss is a resolution for anyone who wants to achieve their goals such as improving body image, preparing for any event, or general well-being and fitness. Weight loss in a healthier manner can improve your heart health, mobility and boost energy. It can also help in health issues like sleep apnea, anxiety, and low energy levels. If you want to lose weight for health reasons, to lower your risk of heart disease or diabetes, or for personal reasons, you should include these ten low-calorie, high-energy foods in your diet. Moreover, health experts and dieticians are increasingly recommending these superfoods for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

9 superfoods for weight loss as recommended by health experts are:

Whole Eggs

Eggs provide the highest quality of protein and nutrients. It helps in weight loss with a calorie deficit diet. It enhances the metabolism of obese people who want to maintain lean muscle mass in their weight loss journey. 


Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids needed to stay fit and healthy and helps lose weight. It is a superfood because our body can not create omega-3 fatty acids, yet it is essential. Its nutritional content includes Vitamin B, B12, B6, K, Iron, and Protein. 

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Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables, also known as green leafy vegetables, are super-rich in vitamins and minerals. Iron and Vitamin K are abundant in green vegetables such as Broccoli, Kale, Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage), Brussels Sprouts, Collards, Watercress, and radishes. They are high in antioxidants, which are plant-based substances that help you lose weight and retain it.

Lean meat

Lean meat like chicken, red meat, turkey have less fat and calories than all non-lean meats. It has high protein and low carbs, thus, aids digestion and losing weight rapidly.

Boiled Potatoes

Boiled potatoes make a high amount of starch which is good to fight off excess fat and has other health benefits. Boiled potatoes are a healthy diet because they contain vitamins A, C, B-complex, and carbohydrates.


If you want to lose weight, tuna is a good option. While it is not a long-term solution for weight loss, it still helps reduce weight quickly with diet changes.

Beans and Legumes

Beans and Legumes help in burning fat and have more fibre. They contain amino acids that mean the calories consumption is less.


Soups help lose weight quickly because of fibrous vegetable intake. It is warm, liquid, and takes time to eat. 


Avocados are high in fibre, which aids in weight loss by suppressing appetite and lowering cholesterol levels.

Written By: TotalFiction 

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