10 easy tips for breaking ice in any conversation

Starting a conversation in a relationship or a new group can get awkward if you fail to find a topic. Here are some practical tricks to break the ice in any conversation. 

break the ice

Were you ever in a situation when you were clueless about what to say, and the conversation became awkward? Most people do not know how to break the ice to make the conversations smooth and comforting. It is hard for most people to break the ice in their first meeting. In this article, you will find some tips to break the ice in any conversation, even in the first meeting.



Initiate a meaningful conversation when you two have nothing interesting to say. Bringing up topics like your latest read or web series might help the discussion. You might get stuck in awkwardness without knowing what to say. If you fail to find any point about the ongoing conversation, you can listen to participate in it. And when you feel the conversation is going nowhere, you can add something interesting that you know, but of course, it must be relevant.


Common interests

Talking to someone new seems uncomfortable, but it helps a lot when you have something in common with them. When you are about to meet them, prepare some topics that you both can discuss. Research a little about them, and avoid any embarrassing moments. If you do not know who you are about to meet, you can talk about the event or people you have in common.  



Complementing the other person when you have nothing interesting to say might be the perfect way to start a conversation. Compliments are the best stimuli for getting a response in any conversation. 


Be focused 

Focus on the conversation that is going on, or you might lose interest and would not know how to respond to the other person. To avoid such awkward situations, being a good listener helps a lot. 


Be calm

If you are starting to meet someone new, you need to stay calm and be yourself to break the ice. Do not get nervous or anxious about how the conversation will go. Keep every thought aside and follow the conversation to make it more interesting. 


Be truthful

Being a truthful person can help break the ice in any conversation. When you are honest about everything you are talking about, the outcome will be an effective conversation.


Avoid aggression

If you want the other person to stay interested, you need to be kind rather than sound rude. You need to break the ice in a conversation by being humble and sensitive. If you become aggressive in case of differences of opinion, then it will put off the discussion. 


Do not force 

Try not to force yourself on others in conversations as you would look desperate. It might be awkward for the other person as well. Remember, you are trying to start a conversation and not end it for any future interaction. 


Do not interrupt

People do not like conversation intruders. When in a group, it is good to wait until the other person responds individually. Even when you are part of a private conversation, do not interrupt the other person. 


Ask a question  

Asking a question when there is nothing to talk about is a great way to break the ice in a conversation. Prepare a list of non-awkward questions to start a conversation and have a great time. 


Bonus Tip - Work on your interpersonal skills if you want a smooth conversation with anyone. The conversation should turn out impressive when you know how to respond and participate. 


Written by - TotalFiction

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